Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Down With The Sickness...

Oh Emm Gee!! So, there I was yesterday, at work, feeling fine. All of a sudden...BAM! I got hit by a semi or a train or something. Felt awful, just like that! Fortunately, my shift was ending in a little over a 1/2 hour. Unfortunately, I spent most of that 1/2 hour in the bathroom. EEK, I know...TMI. Left work when my relief (and my what a relief she was) got there. Ended up having to pull the car over on the way home to throw up. Yep, I knew I was sick. Guess it was the flu that I had/have. I'm on the home stretch now, just feeling really weak and tired. Also have a killer headache. But, wow...what a day and a half. Geez! I don't think I would wish it on my worst enemy. Well, maybe...LOL.

Nothing much new to report. Man, I lead a boring life. Oh well, boring is good sometimes, I guess. Here's a layout I did for the challenge over at Fave Things. You can check it out here: http://whatisyourfavething.blogspot.com/. Had such a fun time doing this layout. It was to scrap your favorite quote:
I picked the quote: "To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world". Obviously, a pic of Jason. We were at a wine tasting...yummy! Used Basic Grey's "Curio" line on this layout. I actually did some fussy cutting. Used quite a few flowers on here, too! Oh well, flowers are pretty!!!

Off to get some sleep, so glad I am off work again tomorrow. Had to take a sick day today, but tomorrow is day off.

Until next time...

1 comment:

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh I hope you feel better...and girlllllllllllllll... you know I love love love that lo!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)